Bylaws and Regulations

  1. Purpose: The purpose of these bylaws is to establish the rules and procedures for the operation of Turtle Island Marketplace and to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all Marketplace Associates.
  2. Membership: Membership in Turtle Island Marketplace is open to individuals who meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the registration process.
  3. Governance: The operations of Turtle Island Marketplace will be governed by a Board of Directors called the “Community Council”, consisting of members from the Aboriginal American, Copper-Colored Community. The Board will be responsible for making decisions regarding the Web Property’s operations, finances, and policies.
  4. Meetings: Regular meetings of the Marketplace Associates and the Community Council will be held at least twice per year – January and June. Special meetings may be called by the Board or by a petition signed by a certain percentage of Marketing Associates.
  5. Voting: Marketing Associates will have the right to vote on issues related to the operations and policies of Turtle Island Marketplace. Each MA will be entitled to one vote.
  6. Finances: Turtle Island Marketplace will be funded through membership fees and a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of items on the Web Property. The Community Council will be responsible for managing the finances of the organization and ensuring that all funds are used in a responsible and transparent manner.
  7. Amendments: These bylaws may be amended by a vote of the Marketplace Associates, provided that the proposed amendment has been circulated to all MAs at least 30 days in advance of the vote.
  8. Dissolution: In the event that Turtle Island Marketplace is dissolved, any remaining funds will be distributed to organizations that support the cultural heritage of Aboriginal and so-called Black American communities.

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