Intellectual Property and Copyright

  1. Ownership: Marketplace Associates are responsible for ensuring that they have the right to use and sell the products they offer on Turtle Island Marketplace. Marketplace Associates must not violate the intellectual property rights of others, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents.
  2. Attribution: Marketplace Associates are required to properly attribute and credit original works, including photographs, designs, and artwork. Marketplace Associates must not misrepresent the ownership or origin of any products they offer on Turtle Island Marketplace.
  3. Copyright Infringement: Marketplace Associates must not engage in any activity that infringes upon the copyrights of others. Marketplace Associates must not use or reproduce copyrighted materials, including text, images, and videos, without obtaining the necessary permissions or licenses.
  4. Penalties: Marketplace Associates who violate the intellectual property and copyright policies of Turtle Island Marketplace may be subject to penalties, including suspension or termination of their membership, as well as legal action.
  5. Reporting Infringement: Marketplace Associates who believe that their intellectual property rights have been infringed upon by another Marketplace Associate may report the infringement to Turtle Island Marketplace. The Community Council will investigate the claim and take appropriate action.
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