Completing Your Application

    1. Name: This is where you, the Applicant must provide your full legal name. 
    2. Email: This is where you, the Applicant must provide your email address.
    3. Contact information (phone number, mailing address): This is where you, the Applicant must provide your phone number and mailing address. This information will be used to contact you regarding your membership application and to ship any products you may sell on Turtle Island Marketplace.

    1. What is your tribal heritage? Please provide a brief description: This question is designed to gather information about your tribal heritage. You, the Applicant, should provide a brief description of your heritage, including your tribe or ethnic group if applicable.

    1. Do you identify as an Aboriginal or so-called Black American? Please explain: This question is designed to determine whether you, the Applicant, meets the qualifications for membership in Turtle Island Marketplace. You, the Applicant, should explain whether you identify as an Aboriginal or so-called Black American.

    1. Do you have products that showcase your tribal heritage that you wish to sell on Turtle Island Marketplace? Please describe them briefly: This question is designed to determine whether you, the Applicant has products that would be appropriate for sale on Turtle Island Marketplace. You are required to briefly describe the products you wish to sell, and how you will showcase your tribal heritage via these products.

    1. Have you read and understood the Handbook for Members of Turtle Island Marketplace? Yes/No: This question is designed to ensure that You, the Applicant has read and understood the rules and regulations outlined in the Handbook.

    1. Do you agree to comply with the rules and regulations outlined in the Handbook? Yes/No: This question is designed to ensure that you, the Applicant, agrees to comply with the rules and regulations outlined in the the Aborigine American Members Handbook.

    1. Have you ever had your membership terminated or suspended on any other online marketplace or platform? Yes/No: This question is designed to gather information about you, the Applicant’s previous experiences on other online marketplaces or platforms.

    1. If you answered “Yes” to question 9, please explain why your membership was terminated or suspended: This question is designed to gather more information about you, the Applicant’s previous experiences on other online marketplaces or platforms, and to determine whether there may be any issues that could impact your membership on Turtle Island Marketplace.

    1. Do you authorize the Community Council of Copper-Colored Aborigines of America to review and verify the information you have provided in this application? Yes/No: This question is designed to obtain you, the Applicant’s authorization for the Community Council to review and verify the information provided in the application.

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