Process for Joining Turtle Island Marketplace:

⦁ To become a member of Turtle Island Marketplace, individuals must complete a registration form via our Web Property here.

  1. Proof of Heritage:
    ⦁ The Turtle Island Marketplace or (TIM) was established to offer an online hub exclusively for the descendants of the Copper-Colored People found in the Americas according to the 1828 Noah Webster’s English Language Dictionary. TIM is open to the public, but a membership is required to sell product or services. In order to ensure that only Aboriginal or so-called Black Americans are able to sell items on TIM’s Web Property as a Marketplace Associate (MA), please be aware that you may need to provide proof of your Indigenous American heritage. This may include providing a copy of a tribal or community membership card, or providing information about your family background and cultural history to prove that they did not migrate from elsewhere.
  2. Approval:
    ⦁ Once you (the Applicant) has completed the registration form and provided proof of your heritage, your application will be reviewed by our Community Council. You will be notified via email whether your application has been approved or denied.
  3. Membership Fees:
    ⦁ A small maintenance fee is due each month on the 1st to help maintain the upkeep of TIM. This fee is between $5 and $15, depending on the plan you choose. Approved Applicants will need to pay this fee before they are able to list items for sale on the Turtle Island Marketplace’s Web Property.
  4. Listing Items: Once you, the Applicant has been approved and has paid your membership fee, you will be able to submit your product or service items for sale on the Turtle Island Marketplace.

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