Termination or Suspension of TIM Membership

  1. Violation of Code of Conduct: Marketplace Associates who violate the code of conduct may have their membership suspended or terminated. Examples of code of conduct violations may include harassment, discrimination, or engaging in illegal activities.
  2. Failure to Comply: Marketplace Associates who fail to comply with the policies and guidelines established by Turtle Island Marketplace may have their membership suspended or terminated. Examples of policy violations may include selling counterfeit or stolen goods, misrepresenting the quality or authenticity of items, or engaging in fraudulent activities.
  3. Notification: Marketplace Associates will be notified in writing if their membership is suspended or terminated. The notification will include the reason for the suspension or termination, as well as any steps that the Marketplace Associates may take to appeal the decision.
  4. Appeal Process: Marketplace Associates may have the right to appeal the decision to suspend or terminate their membership. The appeal process will be outlined in the written notification.
  5. Reinstatement: Marketplace Associates whose membership has been suspended or terminated may be eligible for reinstatement under certain conditions. These conditions may include completing an education or training program, paying a fine or restitution, or demonstrating a commitment to upholding the code of conduct and policies of Turtle Island Marketplace.
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